World Of Darkness Charactersheets Mortal

This is a disambiguation page; that is, one that points to other pages that might otherwise have the same name. If you followed a link here, you might want to go back and fix that link to point to the appropriate specific page. Mortal can refer to: Mortals in the Classic World of Darkness Mortals, the default character type in the Chronicles of Darkness (formerly the 'New' World of Darkness. V20 Playtesting Character Sheets These sheets were created for use with the playtesting documents released at V20 1-Page Interactive Playtesting Character Sheet; V20 2-Page Interactive Playtesting Character Sheet; V20 4-Page Interactive Playtesting Character Sheet. V20 Interactive Sect Character Sheets. Camarilla Sheets. Post by Anonymous on Feb 5, 2009 11:42:57 GMT. Last Edit: Feb 10, 2009 1:34:23 GMT by Anonymous Click here to remove banner ads from this forum.

From WoD Gotham

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Welcome to World of Darkness: Gotham's Mortal: The Riven New Player Quick Start. This article is designed to help new members of the World of Darkness: Gotham MMORPG community to find their way quickly around the site and the wiki so that they can get right into the game with as little hassle as possible.

Before we get started, we would like to introduce ourselves to you and let you know what we're looking for and what we offer our community members.

  • 4Quick Start Steps

Who We Are

Our community is made up of a bunch of seasoned players, writers, actors, and staff who are thoughtful about character and who are able to collaborate and improvise with one another in an effort to bring rich and vibrant stories to the Chronicle.

Our views and approach to role playing has a heavy thespian and literary philosophy grounding it. We resemble a theater troupe which keeps the drama on stage and discourages drama off stage.

We enjoy stories with a focus on personal horror, rather than over the top comic book sagas.

What We’re Looking For

We are always looking for intelligent and creative individuals who are able to think deeply about character and go beyond the average collection of dots to deliver a more compelling addition to the cast.

Our community is comprised of mature adults who understand offline obligations and who also understand online commitments to one another. We are looking for responsible RP partners that are respectful and appreciate the investment of other players in story and character development. Flakes are not tolerated, but we understand the need for balance and appreciate those who are considerate enough to give notice when an absence is required.

The ideal troupe member would be a self-starter who can work independently without the need of constant ST attention. Players who have a good instinct for story and character who can hit the ground running and aren’t afraid to jump in with other players tend to thrive in our community.

A willingness to respect mechanics as an impartial guide to plot twists and character development is always helpful.

A good mind’s eye or willingness to research the setting and current conditions within a scene is also desirable as it helps keep the setting and scene believable.

If you’re the type of roleplayer, writer, or actor who enjoys daydreaming about character, able to apply a Method approach to getting in character, thoughtful about character motivation, understand the importance of researching a role, and are intrigued by the opportunity to delve deeply into the psychology of supernatural creatures and the humans that surround them, then you may find that World of Darkness: Gotham is a good fit.

What We Offer

We offer a community comprised of mature players who appreciate well thought out characters and that have a love for IC drama and a good sense of story. Each of them has gone through a rigorous sanctioning process that involves collaboration with a ST to ensure that their characters will be interesting and compelling to role play with.

We have a strong sense of the Chronicle’s mood and theme which we preserve vigorously for all to enjoy. Over the top antics and obnoxious joke characters are not part of the daily fare. Therefore, we offer an immersive World of Darkness experience which is believable and filled with compelling storylines driven by both the players and STs.

We keep the spotlight on our player characters rather than on NPCs. Stories deal with their ambitions, motivations, and development giving players the opportunity to connect with their characters and the setting on a level that is meaningful to them.


We have a team of seasoned STs and powerful tools to communicate with them so that your character can enjoy ongoing growth and development in a consistent fashion. Our Character Dossier allows for timely updates to character sheets and keeps a record for you and the STs of all changes made so that you can track your character’s progress and maintain a complete record for your convenience in one centralized location.

We understand that great stories thrive on literary conflict. Plotting and maneuvering your character within the setting is nurtured by ST guidance rather than discouraged. STs are there to help facilitate behind the scenes activities so that metagaming and even unintentional metagaming is minimized.

No matter how big or small, we allow for player characters to have a meaningful and lasting impact on the wider Chronicle. This is not only allowed, but encouraged by our STs. From the most common mortal to the most powerful supernatural, all player characters are treated the same and have the same opportunity to make their mark on the Chronicle’s stories.

While we don’t facilitate titles for player characters, they can still enjoy being a power behind the throne as it were and enjoy heaps of influence within the game if that is their character’s ambition.

We have a stable platform with which to get your RP on. World of Darkness: Gotham has been delivering that platform since 2011 without a single service interruption due to admin shenanigans. Our staff is comprised of stable, adult and mature individuals. We have jobs and the bills are paid. We respect our player base and understand the commitment players make to their characters. Therefore, you can be assured that our chat will always be there so you can invest the creative and emotional energy that is required of exceptional role players without fearing if the chat will be there over the long term.

Quick Start Steps


If you still have questions after reading the wiki, place a post in the Poke a ST forum and the ST team will have a look. Please do not FPM.

Please follow our step-by-step guide and ST tips. It'll help you get acclimated to the community and in game smoothly.
  1. Read our ST Disclaimer and decide if this chat is for you first and foremost.
  2. Edition and metaplot information. See:Edition and Metaplot
  3. Register your account with the World of Darkness: Gotham community. This account will automatically register with the website, chat, wiki, and forums. Only one account per individual is allowed.
  4. Make sure that you are able to log on to the chat. Currently we have a java based client and so you need access to a device and a browser that supports java. You will also need to set exceptions for our url in your browser's settings so that you can accept pop-ups from it.
  5. Read through the Mortal Character Creation Guidelines and start thinking about a concept for your character.
    • Identify your play style and consider your availability and set reasonable expectations. Take care to consider character concepts that require a level of upkeep that matches your availability. If you know you can only play once or twice a month, pick something that will be manageable.
    • If you want to play a kinfolk (WtA), acolyte (MtA), or ghoul (VtM) please refer to the appropriate venue. Mortals will not be allowed to switch venue until after at least 6 months of play.
    • If you are considering a character who is a member of the Law Enforcement community, use the Law Enforcement Character Creation Guidelines instead.
    • If you are completely new to Classic World of Darkness and have never created a character before, see Vampire the Masquerade: Player's Guide, Revised Edition (White Wolf Product Code WW2305) for a complete guide on creating mortal characters. See Vampire: the Masquerade Revised Edition (White Wolf Product Code WW2300) for information on character traits. Mortals do not have their own book.
  6. Take a look at the PC Census and see if some of the concepts on your mind aren't already covered or just don't fit within World of Darkness: Gotham's scope.
    • While you're considering a character concept and reviewing the PC Census, you might want to review the rest of your venue's wiki pages as well. If after that you have questions, feel free to Poke a ST and get some early feedback. We're happy to help.
  7. Note that at this point you are actually inside the World of Darkness: Gotham wiki and you are looking at a page within it. You can see the different menu items in the sidebar on the left. Take a moment to expand the different menu items to get an idea of some of the major sections of our wiki. Note that there is a search box as well. These will be key tools for you as you move forward. The wiki is designed as the Player's Guide for the community and anything in it supersedes the books. It's a very large wiki. You're not expected to know everything in it. You just should know how to get around so that you know how to look things up and get the information you need.
  8. Since you're already in the wiki (and presumably logged in), look up where the coffee cup is. See the little menu across the top? Click on the wiki preferences link and take a moment to set up your wiki preferences (Or you can just click the link I provided for you here in this step. Heh.). In those preferences there's one thing that you want to make extra sure is selected. Go to the edit tab and make sure that the toolbar is enabled. The rest of the stuff you can browse through and set up how you like. You can return to the preferences at any time to change up how you experience the wiki.
  9. Once you have a concept in mind, you are ready to begin Creating Your Character.
  10. You will notice that our character sheets are quite expanded. This additional information helps STs understand your character so that they can ST your character without a lot of back and forth checking and rechecking of facts. However, it may be tough to sit down and write it all in one go, so you can save your work at any time by clicking the submit button on your character sheet to save it in the Character Dossier and come back to it later by clicking on the Character Dossier link in the main Website. Please note that I'm specifying that you should not go back to the Create a Character section after submitting your character sheet the first time. You instead will go to the Character Dossier link to edit and review what you have already submitted.
  11. Once you have finished creating your character, create a sanctioning ticket. This is how STs will know that you are done with your character sheet and ready for them to review and accept it. Our typical response time is within 24 hours, but it can be longer if things are hectic IRL.
  12. You can track the ST's progress in sanctioning your character at any time through the Character Dossier link in the main Website and then click the appropriate tab to view your open tickets. This is the way the ST will engage you to request any changes or clarifications to your character sheet.
    • Be prepared for a dialogue with the ST. We like to be thorough and sure that players understand their characters and that STs have a clear picture of what sort of character is entering the setting. Expect that this dialogue can take some time depending on how long it takes for both parties to respond to the thread in their sanctioning ticket and how well both parties communicate.
  13. After all your changes are made and the ST has accepted your character sheet, the ST will provide you with any appropriate starting information and instructions. This may or may not include links, tips, and other information.
  14. Then the ST will close the ticket.
  15. All characters will be marked as Sanctioned in the database at this point. Players need to totally log out of the website and log back in to see the change in the chat.
  16. With your character done and sanctioned, you can go to the CHAT LINK ON THE MAIN WEBSITE and select your character from the drop down list, then you will log on to the chat with that character. You are now ready to RP.
  17. If you're new to chatting or just plain new to WoDG, having a look at the How To... is worthwhile so that you can learn about how to use specific tools like the Dice Roller.
  18. Now that you've got a sanctioned character you may want to know how to advance in WoDG. Take a look at the tools within the Character Dossier with respects to managing your character post-sanctioning. Guidelines can be found in the Character Development and Experience articles.
  19. Now that you are part of the community, it's probably a good idea to familiarize yourself with our Chronicle Policies.

Optional Additional Steps

  1. Take a look at the Players' Portal.
  2. Review how to use Player Pages.
  3. Review how to write wiki pages.
  4. Use the knowledge you acquired from the reading to create a Character Profile in the Character Profiles section of the Players' Portal and refer to the Wiki Cheat Sheet if you need hints on wiki mark up.
  5. If you suck at wiki, or need additional help you can refer to our Tips and Tricks Technical Forums and either beg someone to set up the page for you, or ask for help getting your page started.

Note: This is all optional, but as a segment of our sanctioning process we will create a Character Profile page for every player character as it's part of our internal Storyteller Character Development procedures. If you don't create a Character Profile, the page will just be left blank.

Character Creation Tips

  1. Be patient and understand that this will be a process rather than a quick fix.
  2. Don't try to get it all done in one sitting. Save your work by hitting submit early, then give yourself some time to contemplate your character. You can then come back to the Character Dossier at anytime and continue where you left off.
  3. Take a quick look over the House Rules area of the wiki. Any changes there might impact the way you want to spend your points.
  4. We use Secondary Abilities and so that might be worth a look to see how we run them when figuring out how you want to set up your character.
  5. Some expansions have been made to Backgrounds that might be different from what you are normally used to. This can have a big impact on Kindred characters who tend to have a lot of layers of Retainers, Contacts, Allies, etc. from which their influence upon the Herd extends. In order to set your character up in the smartest and most strategically effective way, you will want to look this area of the wiki over thoroughly.
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From WoD Gotham

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We recommend that you use the Mortal New Player Quick Start as a supplemental guide to these rules. Also it's worth mentioning that MtR in WoDG is a suitable venue for all player types. The venue contains a range of hardened veterans to cWoD and newbies. Mortals in WoDG are important characters in their own right and have been integral participants in major storylines.

Though some may write off the every day mortal character as unglamourous when compared to the supernatural venues, rest assured that in World of Darkness: Gotham mortals are relevant.

That aside, it's an ideal venue for players completely new to WoDG and to the World of Darkness RPGs as they can learn mechanics as they role play and acclimate themselves to WoDG's culture and the game's Mood and Theme.

Now, before you continue to reading on the particulars of character creation take this rule of thumb and apply it to the entire process: Traits are not the core of the character. They are a way to express your character's concept and motivation.You tailor your character's traits to express what you envisioned your character to be and not vice versa.

  • 1Step 1. Character Concept
    • 1.4Character History
    • 1.8Character Motivation
  • 4Step 4. Advantages
    • 4.1Backgrounds
  • 5Step 5. Last Touches
    • 5.2Equipment Owned, Carried, Created
    • 5.3Financial Assets

Step 1. Character Concept

Name, Age, Sex, Date of Birth

Ok. Self-explanatory. Please fill it in. Minimum age is 18. Recommended age is 21 and over.

Note: At 18 in the United States, the character is still a minor in some respects. He can go to jail as an adult. He can vote. He can go to war. He can buy tobacco. He is just old enough to have consensual sex. He can purchase a firearm. He cannot gamble, loiter on a casino floor, drink, purchase alcohol, or get into a nightclub. He will be still seen as a child in society as few people tend to think that 18 year olds are more than children. This means that he will have negative adjustments to his social dealings and be excluded from settings. Flinging Disciplines around constantly to avoid these sort of annoyances can draw unwanted attention. So while we understand that some people have a fetish for playing barely-legal characters, we don’t recommend it.



If you still have questions after reading the Character Creation Rules, place a post in the Poke a ST forum and the ST team will have a look. Please do not send private messages in the forums.

Character Concept

Character concept is the core of what your character is in a brief declarative statement or descriptor. It can be occupation, but usually that’s just part of it. Who you are isn’t just what you do. Most of us hate our jobs we don’t like to think of ourselves as the job title. It functions as the skeleton framework on which all other aspects of your character is built and is the core theme of your character, so take a moment as this definition will guide the entire rest of the character creation process.

You may want to take a look at the PC Census early on to see what is over or under represented in the chronicle already. All concepts and related characters to that concept must be your original creations.

Concepts that do well are concepts that don't require a lot of ST maintenance. Uncompromising and loner concepts tend to do poorly because players end up writing themselves into a corner and leave little room for other players to hook into your character and develop a connection. If your character has little motivation to connect with other characters, the other characters are not likely to chase yours for RP. They will just seek a connection elsewhere and you'll be left with little to RP.

Sample concepts include:

  • A private detective with a chip on his shoulder.
  • A ruthless yuppie lawyer eager to get to the top.
  • An obsessed computer hacker and conspiracy nut.
  • A gold-digger using an acting gig to meet the right mark.
  • A newspaper reporter angling for the perfect story.
  • A driven business person looking to land that perfect assistant position that will open doors.

There will be no Character Concepts allowed that involve the player character starting with any lore or even the knowledge of the existence of supernaturals. Even the remote connection to the supernatural will not be considered. This is a vanilla mortal that is being created.

On a final note, if your concept has anything to do with working as an officer of a law enforcement agency of any kind (local, state, or federal), then you will need to refer to the Law Enforcement Character Creation. Supporting staff to agencies such as analysts, lab technicians, clerks, assistant district attorneys, mental health professionals, medical personnel, etc. are created using the guidelines on this page.

Nature and Demeanor

These are personality archetypes that function a lot like a general psychological guide for your character. They are another measuring stick and descriptor of your character’s personality, behavior, goals, motivations, and general direction. A list of them can be found in all core books for cWoD venues. Alternatively, players can create their own.

We Are The Champions!

Recognize that you are creating a starting character. Characters that are at the peak of success are not appropriate. Leave room for growth.

Character History

Once your concept has been determined you are ready to start on your character's meat and potatoes.

Your character history should be in line with your concept. When fleshing out the history, please be mindful of your character's motivations.

Many people are not writers by trade and find writing a history to be a grueling process, they simply have their own way of working a history out, or perhaps they flesh things out as they go. So to streamline the process, we require one small paragraph or a bulleted list similar to a timeline for a character history at a bare minimum. The most important thing about your character's history is that it functions as a means to communicate to the STs and to yourself who and what your character is and why is he driven to do the things he does. For some people all it takes to do that is a well constructed and thoughtful paragraph or timeline. For others it may take several paragraphs.

Don't be intimidated by the process if writing histories isn't your thing, just get your point across well and that should be enough.

A good rule of thumb is to include a bit about your character's origins, recent past, and present day circumstances. Details on key figures in your character's life is also helpful (Retainers, Allies, etc).

We do require that any unusual Traits like Merits and Flaws be explained.

Character History Notes

Just like the character concept, there should be no reference to the supernatural in the character history. Please don't leave ambiguous plot hooks that could be construed as having a tie to the supernatural. For example, having your character haunted by the murder of a family member is fine. Having that same character haunted by the murder of a family member that was drained of all their blood or ripped to shreds is not.

Histories where your character has come to NYC to follow up a lead on a person from their past that has gone missing, done them wrong, been murdered, etc. is not appreciated by staff nor are they appropriate agendas to maintain. It requires staff to create a special SL for your character alone and that's not a good use of ST time. Also, when your character finally achieves that objective it leaves little room for his story to continue.

When you are creating your character history remember your audience. You are creating a history and that audience is comprised of the ST and you. These histories should convey your character's main idea and motivation.

Psychological Profile

This is a breakdown of your character's personality and what influences and shapes that personality. It's a more in depth study than what Nature and Demeanor provide. Please use this as an opportunity to flesh out your character and pay particular attention to how your character's history has shaped his personality.

STs consider this section to be one of the three most important areas of the sheet so make certain to spend some time on it without getting too clinical. We're not looking for clinical, we're looking for what he's like and why.

So some things that you may want to spend some time thinking about could include:

  • What was his childhood like and what kind of impression did it make on the character?
  • What sort of impact do his family and friends have on him?
  • What sort of things inspire the character? Perhaps he has a childhood hero, mentor, colleague?
  • What inner demons haunt the character?
  • Who is the central figure in your character's life and how do they impact your character's personality?
  • If you have taken the Derangement flaw then you should spend some time mentioning how that affects his personality as well.

Don't Worry!

Did you know that you can save your progress by hitting submit on your character sheet form at any time? We understand that the process is lengthy and you might not have the time to get through it all in one sitting, so for your convenience you can save your character sheet and then return to the Character Dossier at any time to continue working on your character sheet.

Next of Kin

No man is an island and mortals have ties to their families. Writing out all the family a character has ever had is not an option in WoDG. No matter how tragic the circumstances, your character likely has some relative somewhere. Please list them. Include information such as their names, relation to your character, occupations, ages, and locations.

Character Description

This is an area that will be available for editing post-sanctioning and it's viewable to all players in the chat. Therefore, you should limit the description to what one would gather from a first impression or meeting. Some players use it to describe what their character is currently wearing or their general appearance within a scene.

Character Motivation

This form field is easily the most important part of your character's sheet and you will not be sanctioned without having it fully developed.

A character motivation tells you and the ST what makes your character tick and why. It's the engine of your character. The reason he gets up each night and does what he does. Each night he wakes and you wonder what you should be RPing, you can look back to your motivation and use that to help you get into character and know what he would do in a scene. Actors and writers both use motivation to connect with their characters, explore them, and inhabit their skins - so will you.

We've found that players who don't have a thoughtful motivation on their sheet end up not knowing what to do with their character once in game. They are unconnected to their character because of it and the quality of their RP suffers. Essentially they are like ships without a rudder.

Players with strong, well thought out motivations tend to hit the ground running after sanctioning and have no shortage of ideas to bring to the game which in turn tends to help them work off other player characters much better than those with bland motivations. They find it easier to become their characters while in game and they are better actors and writers for it.

You will want to revisit what you wrote in the history and the psychological profile and see how those tie into his motivations. If your concept, history, and psychological profile were solid, writing a character motivation should be pretty intuitive. Just as in the psychological profile, you will want to pay attention his character history and any influences that have inspired or shaped his personality.

This motivation will serve as a guide to your character's development and his activities both in scene and in downtime. It will also change as your character grows and need to be updated periodically as events in the game will affect him.

Goals: Short and Long Term

Both goal form fields are milestones that your character has and is very much guided by his motivation. It's his strategy to fulfill his motivation.

If say your character craves respect and recognition and that's his primary motivation so he must become powerful and influential, then it goes to follow what does he think he needs to do to get that power and influence? What is a measure of power and influence in his mind? At what point is he sated? Will he ever be sated?

These goal form fields are a way to express things he wants to achieve to feel fulfilled and respected - to have that power and influence. Maybe his measure of power and influence is to become so stinking rich, that he can sprinkle endowments and donations everywhere. Maybe a big goal is to get a building or college named after him. So in the form fields you'd want to sketch out some ideas of how he's going to get that power and influence to feel respected.


Like motivation, goals change as your character grows and is changed by his experiences and the effects of events around him. So you should spend time updating them periodically as you develop your character over the course of RP.

Step 2. Select Attributes

Mortal Starting Stats
Attributes 6/4/3 Abilities 11/7/4
Backgrounds 5. Willpower = Courage. Never over 5.
Virtues 7. None over 4. Humanity = Conscience + Self-Control
Blood Pool 10 Freebies 21
All Virtues and Attributes start with a rating of 1. Players then add their expenditures to that rating. So if you spend 2 dots in Dexterity, you would end up with a rating of 3. 2+1=3.

Attributes have not been modified in WoDG. However as with any other Trait on your character sheet, the dots must be supported by the character concept and history. If it doesn’t jive, it’s going to get sent back.

Mortals should not have a starting specialty unless makes sense given your character concept.

You will note that there is a corresponding Attribute explanation form field supplied on the character sheet. This field can be left blank if there are no questionable Attribute ratings that need to be explained. If you start with a specialty or if think you chose something that might cause the STs to raise their eyebrows, then go ahead and detail why you feel the rating supports the overall character concept.

Step 3. Abilities

Abilities should never go above 3 for starting characters unless there’s a character concept that supports an expertise of some sort. For instance, if you are playing a medical doctor it’s perfectly logical to have Medicine at 4.

No specialties at all for starting characters in Combat Abilities. If you’re concept denotes an ex-military type or a mercenary or a veteran, we’ll allow you to specialize in a non-combative support function. For instance, a sniper might specialize in Stealth. A former Army Ranger might have Survival at 4. A former spy might have Subterfuge at 4.

You will note that there is a corresponding Ability explanation form field supplied on the character sheet. This field can be left blank if there are no questionable Abilities or Ability ratings that need to be explained. If you think you chose something that might cause the STs to raise their eyebrows, then go ahead and detail why you feel the trait supports the overall character concept.

Also we’ve made some expanded offerings on Abilities in WoDG and allowed for the robust use of Secondary Abilities. It’s worth a look, if you’re looking to make your character a bit more…unique.

One thing that I should point out is that think carefully where to spend your points. Your abilities need to support your concept and so you need to ask yourself what abilities your character would have in order to pull off his concept.

Remember you can't roll any pools using Knowledges in which your rating is 0. Pools with Skills at 0 will always have a +1 Difficulty to them before any other adjustments required by the scene.

Note: We've depreciated Dodge and Linguistics though both abilities are still present on the character sheet forms. We will not be updating those forms until 4th Edition is published. Dodge is expressed by Athletics and can be a specialty of Athletics or it can be taken as a Secondary Combat Talent. Linguistics is now a specialty of Academics or can be taken as a Secondary Ability on its own. Linguistics applies to scholars of languages. If your character is not a scholar and only fluent in one or more languages, then use the Language Merit. This merit does not count towards your 7 point maximum in merits.

Step 4. Advantages


You have 5 dots in Backgrounds to spend. All of these points must make sense with your character concept and history.

We’ve made additions and modifications to Backgrounds. To make the most of your points, please take a moment to review them in the Backgrounds wiki page.

There are some Backgrounds which we limit at the start and some we disallow completely.

  • Resources: may not be above 4 to start. 2 if the only source of income is from a settlement, award, investment, trust fund, etc.
  • Contacts: Specify the name, ages, occupations (Include company name), marital status, and locations of each Major Contact. Include Minor Contact types.
  • Allies: Specify the name, ages, occupations (Include company name), marital status, and locations of each Ally.
  • Retainers: No more than 3 to start. 5 is the maximum. These would all be mortal Retainers, obviously.
  • Followers: Not to be over 3 to start.
  • Influence: No influence to start.

There is an explanation form field just as with Attributes and Abilities for Backgrounds. Here you would specify Backgrounds not specified elsewhere. For instance, you would use the field to specify your character's Contacts and Allies, but not his Resources as that's covered elsewhere in the Character Sheet.

Supporting Characters

On Backgrounds and Adversarial Backgrounds that give your character access to NPCs, you will need to make a Character Sheet for them if you intend to use these NPCs for any reason in a scene or in downtime. NPCs with no character sheets creates awkward situations when there is no opposing dice pool or traits that set difficulties.

NPC creation is easy and done in our Character Creation System. Retainers, Mentors, and Followers all follow standard Mortal Character Creation Rules just like your character. See: NPC Creation

These supporting Character Sheetsdo not require lengthy histories. Their associations to your player character will be dealt with in your player character’s history.


7 points in Virtues. You get 1 dot free in each Virtue. No virtue should exceed a rating of 4.


Humanity = Conscience + Self-Control.


Willpower = Courage. No Willpower above 5 to start.

World Of Darkness Player Sheet

Step 5. Last Touches

Merits and Flaws

Merits and Flaws should not exceed 7 points each. Mortal characters can use Merits and Flaws from any venue so long as it is not specific to that venue or supernatural. For instance, a mortal could not take Beacon of the Unholy!

World Of Darkness Charactersheets Mortal

The Language Merit is the only merit that will not count towards your 7 point maximum.

There are several Merits and Flaws that are not allowed. We’ve compiled a list of approved Merits and Flaws for your ease of use. Please don’t snowflake. If it’s not on the list, don’t ask for it.

Also if you have not already, it might be worth it for you to take a look at Backgrounds again and look at Adversarial Backgrounds. These special backgrounds function like Flaws and may be appropriate for your character concept.

There is a corresponding form field for Merit and Flaw explanations.

Your character's Merits and Flaws should be pretty easy to pick out. Often times when players write their character histories, the Merits and Flaws just jump out and players then write them on the sheet. Regardless, they need to be fully documented and grounded in your character's history. There is a corresponding form field for Merits and Flaws explanations where you can summarize what you had fully explained in the character history. This helps STs quickly look up the Merits and Flaws without having to hunt and peck through the history while trying to work with you.

Warning: Players must be prepared to play out all their stats in this Chronicle. With respect to Flaws, we will enforce them regularly. Don't take them if you're not willing to RP them.

Equipment Owned, Carried, Created

The equipment form fields are used for listing equipment that your character owns and carries. These are possessions of relatively low worth or that would come standard based on your character's Resource Rating and the lifestyle that that Resource Rating can afford. Valuables like jewels, collectibles, etc are described further down the sheet in the Financial Assets area.

We don't require a complete inventory of every item a character possesses right down to the amount of hair ties and perfumes. However, items that can be relevant to a scene need to be listed. Carried items should be a more complete list.

The rule of thumb is that if you may use it in a scene, it must be on the list. Mobile phones, identification, business cards, etc should be listed. We don't really care to know about your character's personal grooming arsenal, but if you ever think you are going to McGuyver something out of a tube of lipstick, dental floss, and hair spray, you are better off listing everything.

Created equipment are articles your character has made and should be left blank at Character Creation.

Weapons and Armor

Fill in the form fields for any weapons or armor your character possesses. Make sure that you have indicated if it is owned or carried in either the item's name field. For melee weapons just put the base damage modifier of the weapon. This is usually a number between 1 and 3.

Note on Firearms: To have a Carry and Conceal permit in WoDG, your character must either purchase the Firearms License Merit (2 pts. HtR PG pg. 112) or you may buy 2 dots in the Background Certification. The presence of neither on a character sheet will indicate that any firearms carried are carried illegally. Premises permits will cost 1 point in Certification.

Furthermore, all firearms licenses will require that your character have an occupation that would meet the standards for a Carry and Conceal permit for NYC. Careers where being armed is part of the job is essentially the only way a person can carry a concealed weapon in NYC legally.

Financial Assets

Your character can possess a number of assets according to his Resource Rating. When detailing assets, please list the estimated value of the individual asset and who is the owner of record of that asset. The owner of record will usually be your character's name unless you have the Alt ID background at rating 3 or more and for some reason have it set up where your character's assets are held under an alias.

World Of Darkness Character Creation


Please take a moment to detail your character's residence which should be in accordance with your character's Resources rating. Give a physical address if you can and a street view link.

A good rule of thumb is to have a description that could be copied and pasted into the chat as a scene set up. You can then have another area below that for any security measures or mechanics you want STs to consider when using your character's home for a scene.

Alternatively, you can create a wiki page for your setting and use that in lieu of scene set ups and leave the mechanics on your character sheet.

World Of Darkness Character Sheets Mortal Character

You only have access to standard security measures for your character's dwelling type. Anything custom, enhanced, or modified also requires the Countermeasures Background.


This is fairly straightforward. However, it's worth noting that keeping some vehicles within the city can be quite costly and therefore require an appropriate Resources rating. The level of Resources required varies from borough to borough and vehicle type. For example, keeping a car in Staten Island is no more expensive than in your average American suburb and is required due to sprawl and less robust public transportation coverage whilst keeping a car in Manhattan is extremely costly and impractical.

Other Property

This area is for players to describe other valuable property their character's own. This might be income property, jewelry, a collection of rare stamps, a collection of antiques, paintings, etc. When describing the property, please include estimated value.


These are usually liquid assets like bank accounts, stocks, funds, bonds, etc. Please include the value of the account, the name of the account holder, and which financial institution or brokerage manages the account.


Insurance doesn't typically count against your character's Resources rating's total asset amount unless you have purchased certain life insurance products. However, some may carry insurance on vehicles, havens, and personal property.

Please include the policy type, name of the insurance company, and the name on the policy.

Step 6. Sanctioning and Getting in Game!


After entering all your character information click submit.

You can then go to your Character Dossier to review your sheet and correct any boo boos. When you are satisfied, you can CREATE A SANCTIONING TICKET which will notify STs that your sheet is ready for review.

At this point you and the ST will begin a dialogue in the ticket if you've not Poked a ST before. The ST will give feedback and request any changes if applicable. You can expect some collaboration with the ST. This is entirely normal.

Once everything is settled, the ST will let you know that you are sanctioned in the ticket and provide any additional information if applicable. As a finishing touch and you'll be asked to create a character wiki page like the Character Profiles located in the Player's Portal. The ticket then will be closed out and you'll be ready to RP and GAME ON!

Chronicles Of Darkness Character Sheet

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